What's the Deal with DEET?
Statistics show that approximately 30% of Americans use DEET containing bug sprays each year. DEET is in many popular bug repelling products, and in some cases in 100% concentration. While many aren’t concerned with the safety of DEET, there are reasons to be cautious and avoid it.
Chemical vs. Mineral Sunscreen
There are two different kinds of sunscreens on the market. As we are in the peak of Summer, we feel it is important to provide information about your numerous choices, as a consumer. Before you slather up, and sit in the sun, be sure you aren’t actually doing more harm than good.
Activated Charcoal Detox
Activated charcoal is a must-have in any medicine cabinet because of its adsorption abilities, limited side effects, and short list of people who should not use it due to existing conditions. Activated charcoal is very porous allowing toxins and other chemicals to bind to it.
The Impact of Plastics
There are multiple compelling reasons to reduce the use of plastics. Unfortunately, the common consumer does not realize what a problem to the environment and ourselves plastics can pose. Here’s some of the biggest reasons we should reduce plastic use:
Dry Brushing for Health
It is best to dry brush daily. Many people choose to dry brush before their morning shower or bath, so they can then wash off the skin and impurities that were removed. Start with a dry body and work towards the heart in long sweeping motions to not put pressure on the valves within your veins.
Beeswax Candles Are The Buzz!
Paraffin has been the wax of choice for many years due to how inexpensive it is. In addition, artificial dyes and fragrances are usually formulated specifically for paraffin wax, simplifying the manufacturing process.
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